Saturday, 1 October 2011

First weekend -- rainy afternoon

Dear Readers

October 1, 2011. What a nice number for today's date.... my favourite numbers being 1 and 7. Today is a lovely day... it begins with my friend, she sms to say that her back pain has gone, she has good spirit everyday and that cheers me up too! Lets continue to pray for good health for all the needy.

Every Saturday I have classes to attend. The discussion this morning was on the assignment on Children with Special Needs. Anybody who has the knowledge about Malaysian Eduational System for Children with Special Needs do drop a few lines to share.

So, how do you wish to spend your weekends? Do you actually put aside all your work and simply relax? I often wonder how life was hundreds years ago?


Anonymous said...

Dear Friend,
It's your tender loving care, your smile, your laughter that makes me well.

What Happens Everyday said...

Hmm.... thank you for feeling that way. Good spirit, positive mindset, powerful courage, you have all of them. All the best to you!