Tuesday, 4 October 2011

Maids in Malaysia

Dear Readers

It is such a fulfilling day for me, with many happenings.

A friend faces problem with maid; I suppose almost every well-off family or a family with both working parents in Malaysia owns a foreign maid. The huge differences between the families and the maids in terms of culture, religion, communication, living habits create various issues in the homes and the societies.

In Malaysia, I see that we are a problematic prejudiced society against foreign workers. One reason that the foreign workers are treated so poorly is the perception that they come from less developed countries than ours and are psychologically associated to be of a lower class. I hope we could learn to gain respect from one another and work together in a healthy environment.

I am sure you do have a story to share about maids, or foreign workers.

Although there is no immediate solution to the topic but with options such as home-based jobs, living with in-laws, well-managed baby-sitter centres, possibly more educated and trained helpers, acceptance of various jobs by the locals, we may reduce the issues to a minimal.

Have a good rest for now.


Anonymous said...

Just a little sharing, there is no right or wrong answer, most important thing for me is to live with a maid in a peaceful environment that helps our household. When we decided to hire a maid, we are prepared to live with her under 1 roof and prepared to accept her as a family member as a helper. If we treat them well, they will treat us better. They are also human being with emotion, temper, up & down time so treat them as human. When something went wrong, we should do a reflection to check on our self first is there anything we can do to improve the situation rather than blaming on the maid and the situation get worst. Unless the maid really has a serious problem then no luck, send them back. They are many friends of mine who has been living well with maid for more than 10 years. Blessing!

woohoo said...

Blogging has helped many of us in different ways. I hope we continue to see additional benefits as we move forward. Indeed, having a maid might provide help on our daily house chaos and might create headed too ! There are good and bad maid, we got to learn how to managed it along the way. Good Topic for sharing ...

woohoo said...

oops...sorry... *should be "headache", not headed...excuse me my poor spelling ...kekeke :P

Anonymous said...

My foreign workers do not give me much problems and I provide them with reasonable accomodation and necessity. Mutual respect is my motto!

Anonymous said...

whoah! such dramatic comments you have there.. anyways, to the reader above, apart from all the other crap you talked about respect, you outta show some instead of calling people a chronic liar. how would you feel if i called you a pathological liar? well you wouldn't know who i am anyways since im shield from bring anonymous. haha

and i agree, mutual respect is the best solution!

Anonymous said...

*bring is spelled wrongly... its being... sorry.

counselcounsel said...

Cheers to the Readers, we learn from blogging, we learn from our experiences in dealing with people, we learn from each other everyday. Mutual respect seems to be working well here. Any objective comments are welcomed!